Counterfeit products

There are other online shops who claim to sell TICCC products. This is fake news!

Our products are only available online through this website. We do not sell our products through Ebay, AliExpress or any independent sellers. Products found on these sites are counterfeit goods, even if the listing shows our images. Please remember if you do not buy from our website you are paying people to steal our IP and to gain financially from it.

Having purchased these counterfeits we can guarantee that you will be disappointed with the quality, style and performance. Please be aware that counterfeit sites will often not send the item you ordered, and your payment details may be used for other illegal/ fraudulent purposes. If you believe you have found a counterfeit website, please contact us.

Do you believe you have bought a counterfeit product?

If you believe you have been a victim of counterfeit fraud, you may be able to seek a refund from your bank or debit/ credit card provider.

If you are seeking such a refund we may be able to help. Please provide us with the website URL and at least five detailed photographs of the item you believe to be counterfeit. On inspection of the photographs, we may be able to provide you with an authentication statement, which you can forward to your payment provider. Please email us with the above info.
